'How to kill your family' is a good book. It's defintiely not Bronte level though (though I would die before I read a Bronte novel). Since reading this book I am now certain I have required the relevant information needed to kill my family, and while this is technically not a confession, you can read it as such. I read this book a while ago though and I do not remember the protagonist's name and I'm not dedicated enough to this site to look it up for you, sorry babes. It had a lot of funny moments, the deaths particularly laughable and completely unrealistic at some points - imagine the main point of the book being murder and then not doing it right. Well define the 'right' type of murder, I dont know honestly am just trying to stretch out the legnth of this review sorry guys.
Anyway, the protagonist (who appears to be on some wacky power trip the entire novel) goes through all the efforts she went through in order to kill as many people possible that she felt wronged her. But honestly, those people were probably dodging a bullet by not getting involved with that psycho. There is an interesting twist towards the end of the novel, as I remember, but clearly not too important for me to actually remember what the twist was or care for it that much. When I first finished the book, I thought it was my favourite thing ever to exist, but then post-nut clarity set in and now here I am 7 months later shitting all over it. The book had an insane amount of detail, which I did actually enjoy, but sometimes 10 pages describing one single event is genuinely too much to sit through. Are the amount of pages in this book more torturous than the murders themselves? Yes. When it comes to giving a review out of ten, I would give it a six - for the amount of victims the crazy woman claimed (and purely because of that because the book doesn't really deserve a six let's be honest).
Date of completion: Some time at the end of december 2022