This book is a hideous dystopian novel that is also bloody brilliant at the same time. Sometimes I just wanna sit down with a book detailing vulgar shit because it helps me remember that shits fucked in the world right now, but at least it ain't as bad as the setting in this book. The book focuses on a guy named Alex, who is literally a psycho, that is being treated in a psychological rehabilitation unit funded by the insane creepy corrupt distopian government. It's totally shocking that this rehabilitation includes crude and unsavoury methods of torture, in order to make Alex a 'better' citizen. Anyway the story is very grim and is partially in some random made up russian based language crap, which makes the whole reading experience a total mindfuck and for that reason I am rating the novel 69 stars, yes 69 is now within the 10 star rating, idc.
Date of completion: Some time at the start of July 2019