Icathian Rain
Home Book Blog Learn Psych Music Recs Photo Gallery Witchy Corner Learn History Chatroom Game Reviews

I'm Icathian, a book enthusiast, artist, psych student and a social media pro (heres my discord server:) bibble supremacy server.

My current favourite activities are crying when I'm on my period, and eating McDonalds on my lunch breaks (although I am trying to cut back). If my grandmother had wheels she would be a bike. Thats a funny joke and if you don't know it then maybe you should start questioning your life decisions - your problem not mine. This website was created to share my passions for various hobbies and my studies, in hopes that someone else will also find them interesting. It was also made to plug my flourishing discord server (which you can join if you click that link above please). Currently the website features my many book reviews and I am (as I'm typing) adding multiple pages to the website; learning psychology, music, photo gallery and lastly the witchy corner!

Here is the link to Magic Mew Mew's website amazing magic mew mew stuff this way.

Yes the above youtube video is me singing, and yes it was made purely for your entertainment! Be sure to subscribe to the bibble supremacy youtube channel, for more amazing upcoming content, that I am positive you will be DYING to hear.